Posted on: February 7, 2018
City of Charleston and State of South Carolina to Host Flood Mitigation & Assistance Presentations
Representatives from the city of Charleston and state of South Carolina will host a series of presentations for residents on flood mitigation and assistance on Thursday, February 8, 2018. The first presentation will take place at Bees Landing Recreation Center (1580 Ashley Gardens Boulevard) at 3 p.m., and the second in the Charleston Museum Auditorium (360 Meeting Street) at 6 p.m.
The presentations will include an overview of the different types of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants related to flooding, information on FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program, as well as an update on the city’s progress and future plans.
A full agenda for the West Ashley presentation is linked here, and for the Downtown presentation here.
City of Charleston Flood Mitigation and Assistance Presentation
Date: 8 Feb 2018
Time: 6-8 PM
Location: Charleston Museum Auditorium, 360 Meeting Street Charleston, SC 29403
I. Welcome and Introductions
(City of Charleston) (5 mins)
II. Overview of FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance and the three programs that provide funding to support Hazard Mitigation. (SCEMD and SCDNR) (25 mins)
III. FMA 2018 (Overview – history of funding priorities) (SC DNR)
(10 mins)
1.Emphasis on annual funding and no need for a disaster.
2. Mitigation techniques
b. PDM 2018(Overview history of funding priorities)–(SCEMD)
(7 mins)
2018 (Overview history of funding priorities)
(11 mins)
1. Specific emphasis and timelines for Irma HMGP, dates etc.
2. Specific requirements for homes that might want to apply as part of HMGP for elevation or flood proofing.
III. NFIP Presentation
(15 mins)
a.Flood Map update
b.Overview of the NFIP
c . Requirements for Coverage, types of coverage
d Increased Cost of Compliance Options
V. City of Charleston Specifics Update (20-30 mins)
a. City Flood Ordnance and freeboard requirement and use of variance (PS & Planning)
b. Substantial Damages and Substantial Improve
ments (PS)
c. Update on progress/plans on policy and guidelines for elevating historic homes (Planning)
d Hurricane Irma HMGP scoping discussion (PS & CRO)
VI. Questions