Tonight, I’ll have the honor of speaking with you in my third State of the City Address.
Our city has had many successes to celebrate over the past year. We’ve worked with our citizens to create our first citywide transportation plan, and with our regional partners to ensure that its recommendations are eligible for state and federal funding. We’ve protected our residential neighborhoods from unwanted commercialization with a new short term rental ordinance that’s already drawing national interest for its effectiveness. And we’ve launched the most ambitious affordable housing plan in city history, with hundreds of new units under construction or on the way.
But for all that and more, our most pressing challenge remains flooding and drainage.
That’s why, tonight, the bulk of my address will be a detailed, comprehensive report to our citizens on what we’ve done, what we’re doing, and what we plan to do to protect our city and residents from the rising tides and extreme weather that have become the “new normal” here in Charleston.
To see this report, please join me tonight at 7:30 on ABC News 4, or stream it online here.